Graduation of Medical Students
Graduation of Medical Students PalMed Academy continues to work with our partners in the universities of Gaza to recover healthcare education. Check Out Final PalMed Academy Jan 25 Newsletter PDF 👇
Our Projects
The scheme aims to deliver medical education through an online platform and other innovative means of content delivery, aligning with the curriculum of both medical schools in Gaza and catering to the needs of approximately 2500 students.
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The initiative aims to provide these students with the necessary resources, clinical training, evaluation, and opportunities to advance their education and ultimately become the future dental healthcare workforce in the Gaza Strip.
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All nursing institutions in Gaza, including six universities and four colleges have begun offering theoretical coursework online through a dedicated portal. This transition to online education aims to ensure continuity in nursing education despite the ongoing conflict.
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The project aims to support Nursing students who have fulfilled the requirements for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in nursing, but whose university certificates have been withheld due to their inability to pay tuition fees.
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In this course you can deepen your theoretical Knowledge in the care of severely injured patients.
Prepare for the MRCS Part B exam with this comprehensive two-day simulation course...
The Postgraduate Certificate in Surgery (PGCert) offers a unique opportunity for Palestinian doctors...
Graduation of Medical Students PalMed Academy continues to work with our partners in the universities of Gaza to recover healthcare education. Check Out Final PalMed Academy Jan 25 Newsletter PDF 👇
PalMed Academy held the GEM Initiative Mentorship Scheme December 7th 2024. Check Out GEM Initiative Mentorship Scheme PDF 👇
PalMed Academy held the first international GEM conference in the Royal Society of Medicine in London on the 23rd of November 2024. Check Out Resurrecting Medical Education in Gaza PDF 👇
After four months since the launch of the GEM Scheme, here are the numbers we achieved Check Out Where are we now PDF 👇
Snapshot of PalMed UK and PalMed Academy Event 9 December 2024 PalMed UK and PalMed Academy hosted an inspiring event at Nottingham Medical School titled “Stories of a Surgeon in Palestine“. The event featured Dr. Mohammad Hawari, a PalMed member and
On Saturday 7 December the Scottish Palestine Health Partnership held its second annual conference at Glasgow University. Over 100 delegates attended . Palmed Uk and PalMed Academy was there. PalMed was represented by Drs Eman El-Bahnasawi and Dr Vivian Badr .Dr Bashier Oudeh
Today on December 7 2024. PalMed Academy and GEM initiative launched and conducted her very first GEM mentorship course for both students and mentors. This morning was opened by Tareq Abdel-Jawwad who is a currently displaced fifth year medical student at Al-Azhar
With the Participation of Leading Doctors and International Experts: PalMed Holds an Academic Conference to Support Medical Students in Gaza. London, 23 November 2024 In light of the challenging circumstances in Gaza, PalMed Academy of PalMed Europe – the Palestinian
JVL member Felicity Laurence interviews Professor Mahmoud Loubani where she learns more about the horrors....
Read MoreNursing professors and global healthcare leaders have spoken of the challenges facing nursing students in Gaza....
Read MorePalMed Academy, the educational arm of the Palestinian Medical Association in Europe, raised the funds during....
Read MoreOrganised in two weeks in collaboration with Palmed, 42 doctors headed for the Middle East were trained to treat....
Read Moreالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بحمد الله وتوفيقه، يسرُ أكاديمية تجمع الأطباء الفلسطينيين في أوروبا أن تعلن عن تواصلها مع إحدى الجهات المانحة، التي وعدة بالمساعده في تغطية رسوم الدراسة وتكاليف المعيشة للطلاب الفلسطينيين الملتحقين بكليات الطب البشري و الأمتياز المتواجدين في مصر، سواءً كانت جامعاتهم في مصر أو غزة أو السودان.
سيتم منح الأولوية في تغطية رسوم الدراسة لأطباء الامتياز وطلاب السنوات الأخيرة، بينما سيتم تقييم أولوية تغطية تكاليف المعيشة بناءً على المعلومات التي سيتم جمعها من خلال المسح الميداني.
نرجو من جميع الطلاب المتواجدين هنا تعبئة الطلب.
ملاحظات هامة:
سيتم التواصل مع الطلاب المقبولين بعد أسبوعين إلى ثلاثة أسابيع من تقديم الطلبات، لإعلامهم بالخطوات التالية.
1- نرجو نشر الرابط بين جميع الزملاء والأصدقاء لضمان وصول المعلومة إلى أكبر عدد ممكن من المستفيدين.
2- نرجو عدم التواصل بشكل فردي بعد تعبئة الطلب، وانتظار التواصل الرسمي من خلال صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي أو المواقع الإلكترونية التابعة لنا.